Worlds Most Amazing People RADIO SHOW with K.C. Armstrong

Listen to Ilona Selke in an interivew by K.C. Armstrong about how we can make a difference…how to dream big and how to change not only our lives but also the lives of others!

Listen to K.C. Armstong, who after having produced the HOWARD STERN SHOW (Ilona Selke was on the Howard Stern show in the late 1996 / 1997 with her then recently published book JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF CREATION, which was later republished under WIDSOM OF THE DOLPHINS!

K.C. Armstrong had a turn around in his life and dedicated his work to making a difference!

He wants to only share good news and how people can make it out of any bad situations.

Listen to Ilona Selke, who shares that you can take just the smallest of negative situatioin and turn it around, so you don’t have to deal with the big ones.


Bridging Heaven & Earth Show with Ilona Selke

Watch Ilona Selke in an interview in 1996 with Allen abuot the power of consciousness and how dolphins taught her that we co-create our own reality.

Ilona is a teacher, musician, and mystic whose new book, “Wisdom of the Dolphins —Entering the World of Dolphins and the Dimensions of dreamtime”, is an extraordinary account of her telepathic communication with dolphins.

Hers is a story of connection, love, surrender, and the vast new possibilities available for all of us on Planet Earth.

Ilona has collaborated on various music CD’s that uplift and inspire such as “Himalayan Soul” which is featured at the Monroe Institute, with embedded Hemisynch Tones, as well as”Mind Journey Music” , “In One We Are”, and many more.


Bridging’s website is: Bridging’s International Healing Art Project website is:

The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By! About the book DREAM BIG by ILONA SELKE

The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!
Dream Big: The Universe Is Listening with Author Ilona Selke

From Stephen Hawking’s theories on time travel to recent study of performance in athletes when they envision and experience their success prior to achieving it physically, the idea of affecting outcomes that exist outside of the current moment has begun to inch its way into mainstream consciousness.

But how do we take it from theory into practice?

How can the everyday person who is not a scientist or a professional athlete hone their ability to create a better future for themselves and the world?

International bestselling author, seminar leader, lecturer, musician and dolphin whisperer Ilona Selke is opening the door for people of all ages and experience levels to begin the practice of self-betterment and global stewardship through her new book Dream Big: The Universe Is Listening.

1) FREE Download of Best Selling eBook of “Living in a Holographic Universe”.
Go to

2) FREE MEDITATION APP GI|VE— AWAY – Living From Vision LITe App – –
Practice with Ilona how to manifest your goals.
Energize your work – Raise your happiness levels.

More about Dr. PAT at
Dr. Pat Baccili helps individuals and organizations break through their limiting Crust so they can reach their unlimited potential.
Her specialty is assisting people face their challenges with courage. She starts by helping them identify their limiting thoughts, actions and beliefs…the Crust that keeps them stuck.


On a new moon, you can harness the power of a new begining.

Farmers knew that and planted their seeds with the New Moon, as the light and the pulling forces of the moon grow stronger as the moon becomes full.

So it is a good idea to write down your intentions for the upcoming month on New Moon and ask the universe for assistance in realizing them.  Remember, the universe is listening.

Set intentions for what you desire in this guided meditation by Thriive Global Ambassador Ilona Selke.

ALTHOUGH this meditation is dedicated to the New Moon, you can do this guided mediation excercies any time you wish.

It actually pays off to do this on a daily basis.
If it first you only find time and special moments to do imitation then do that.
But you may find that spending time in in a reverie, creating a blueprint of the successful tomorrow benefits you much more if you do it daily.

Bring a whiff of fresh energy into your life. Invoke the magic of manifestation under the power of the moon. Create an empowered new reality for yourself.


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 Ilona Selke explains the different states of consciousness available through meditation.

Exploring the many states of consciousness is one of the most rewarding steps anyone can take. Discovering the core essence of who we are, and then stepping outside of the Matrix into awakenedness, becoming fully aware of how the weaving of time space is truly what it was said to be MAYA or the dance of illusion. BUT it is not an illusion to be discounted in a Descartian sense, but rather a mirror of God reflecting itself in all stages of evolution, to encounter itself.

More information at


The Path to your Soul’s Evolution okay

It is interesting that most children wish to learn the magic that makes dreams come true. It is not coincidental that a large portion of children’s books is dedicated to magic, miracles, the power of our mind. It is an innate knowing that children still have, which actually is the beginning of our spiritual path to our soul’s awareness.

The desire to create magically here on Earth will inevitably lead us to discovering the nature of our soul. The magical ability of manifestation invariably leads us to discover methods of transforming our blockages, and further leads us to discover the all-powerful connection of our soul to the Source.

Once we learn the methods of manifestation and we realize the power of our mind over the reality that we live in, we realize that we are not victims, but creators. The ultimate expression of managing to handle one’s physical life, including the ins-and-outs of true abundance, and living one’s purpose here on Earth, essentially requires being totally in touch with the God-force which governs the universe.
The more a person is linked-in and united with the God-force, the more powerful his or her manifestations become, and the more at peace he/she can feel.

If you are like most readers who come to the site, you have already realized that you are a multidimensional being, and are not simply satisfied with the current worldview of being a five-sensory, three-dimensional being. As a human-being we usually wish to understand the workings of the universe at ever deeper levels, to understand the hidden secrets to greater and greater extents, and to discovered the deeper abilities of our soul, and to fulfill our life’s purpose.

Many of people on the path of conscious evolution have already practiced a number of different methods. Some have focused solely on their soul’s evolution, at times having neglected their emotional blockages or baggage, because they might have thought that simply focusing on soul, or on God, was the only work to do.
Others may have trained in psychic awareness, or psychological tools, yet feel like they are lacking the overview, the diamond like awareness of the innermost core.

In an interview that I once gave, I was asked how meditation and psychotherapy relate to one another, or if they were contradictory. My answer was that our evolutionary path as a human being here on Earth is really multi-fold. We need to focus on our soul, as well as transform our negative emotional imprints, to enhance our positive energies, and we also need to train our manifestation skills, that allow us to truly live life as a dream-come-true here on Earth.

We easily can divide our evolution into three aspects:

  • discovering and refining our soul’s essence, our awareness beyond duality
  • transforming and evolving our emotional being
  • and being able to effectively manifest our dreams and visions

Depending on the path that people choose, one or another aspect is often neglected within the training.

On our path of learning to manifest effectively, we usually need to learn how to manage and transform our subconscious patterns, negative beliefs, or traumas that we may have accumulate in this lifetime or in our past lifetime/s. These negative beliefs often still affect our ability to manifest easily a joyful life here on Earth.
Unless we transform our negative patterns, we only rehearse the same imprints that have governed our behaviors in previous lives and this one.
We may even look rather impressive and successful, and some may even wage war on the larger or smaller scale, looking very mighty, yet the secret lies in the realization that the next level of our evolution requires our ability to hold two polarities within our consciousness, which then allows us to evolve to the next level of reality.

In order to learn how to surf the QUANTUM WAVE we need to learn to access and transform deeply embedded emotions, memories, patterns, as well as our unconsciously adopted beliefs, that may not serve us any longer. Once we do, we are free to change and evolve our imprints, which leads us into ever greater heights of experiencing our limitless divine nature.
When we learn to transform the negative imprints into powerful new energies, into new resonant fields, within ourselves, we are free to create anything of the next higher order, that we wish to create.

Along the way of mastering the ability to transform negative energies into positive energies, (within ourselves and without), we will realize, that it is our ability to realize our soul’s diamond, that allows us to manifest with the highest form of grace.

It is our consciousness, our soul, that seeks to develop its brilliance, and ultimately seeks to unify itself with its source, God, or whatever you wish to call it.
Learning to consciously enter deeper and deeper into the seat of our soul, reaching into non-dual awareness, refining and expanding the spark within us that resides beyond time and space, is deeply entwined with feeling fully alive.

It is an ability that can be mastered at ever higher levels.

It is the light of our soul, that shines through all of our actions here on Earth. It shines the light through our visions of our future, and creates a laserlike light-beam, and united with our ability to be one with the source, it then is the force that enlightens our dreams, and determines the vastness and purity of our creations.

It is the nebulous negative belief systems that most often holds our soul’s light in check.  By working on releasing these nebulous energies, by transforming our doubts, our anger, our negative expectations, our false assumption about reality etc. into radiant, higher vibrating, new resonant fields, we then gain access to actually enter a new world.

This is why I said in my interview that psychotherapy and meditation work hand-in-hand to assist in the evolution of our soul.
In order to address these three areas of our soul’s evolution, I offer three different styles of inner work:

  • QUANTUM IMAGING: which allows us to transform our emotional blockages
  • LIVING FROM VISION: which is the most effective manifestation course I know, which allows us to create and co-create within the fabric of the universe
  • SOUL AWARENESS TRAINING: which allows us to evolve our pure soul awareness to its ever higher capacity, to reach into unity with the source

The method of Quantum Imaging, originally developed by Dr. Vernon Wolf in his work of‘Holodynamics’ is the most effective technique that I have yet come across that has allowed thousands of people across the planet transform their negative emotions, and subconsciously held negative thought-forms, into powerful new resonant fields within their quantum and subconscious mind.

Living From Vision as originally developed by Dr. Rod Newton in the course called ‘Power of Choice’ has equally helped thousands of people across the planet to become powerful co-creators, and allows people to learn the basic as well as the advanced methods of manifestation. At-risk children, adults in Asia, Australia, Africa, North America as well as CEOs of incredibly large companies around the world have taken this course and have trained in the power of manifestation to bring ever greater success and equilibrium into their lives.

The Soul-Seminars, which are based on the Light-and-Sound-Teachings of a path calledShabda Yoga, have helped people delve deeply into the singularity of their soul’s consciousness, and to become fully aware of the core energy that exists beyond the physical body, that transcends time and space.
This is a forever ongoing journey: Entering into the center of creation, that fulfills our heart’s desire at our deepest core.

By being a conscious part (soul) that is consciously connected to the whole (the Source or God), we fulfill the purpose of the universe, where we dance as a part of an evolving, self-reflecting Kaleidoscope, a dance of interactive consciousness.
In this sense we become a luminous part within the whole. We become aware that we are the part and the whole; we are fulfilled in being consciously the part, conscious of the whole.

What does an INDIAN GURU have to say about WOMEN and ENLIGHTENMENT?

In this half hour interview by Ilona Selke, Brahmarshi Patrjiji speaks about woman and their spiritual abilities, men and woman in the larger picture of spiritual evolution, the necessity of meditation and how to get started, and how to be a good human being.

Patriji, as most call him affectionately, was the originator of Pyramid Meditation Movement in India which had one pyramid that was solely dedicated to meditation in 1990 and now has over 10,000 active Pyramid Meditation Centers all over India 20 years later with millions of followers worldwide.

I write about Patriji in chapter in my new upcoming book DREAM BIG – The Universe Is Listening. It is about a magical incident in a pitch black pyramid, which show how truly integrated and luminous he actually is.

Also watch about the efforts of one single American woman Deva Dwabha, who built an Indian orphanage called RAMANA’S GARDEN, which is helping to rescue boys and girls to escape the life of outcasts. Outcasts not given any school education, no health care, destined to pick the trash heaps of India, called the Rag-pickers.

Also watch how the power of the imagination is helping those children achieve dreams of unimaginable proportions. One of their early students just now was admitted to the Airplane Pilot training in Canada. It was a dream he never let go off, even while he was waiting for endless years to hear of a possible admission, as the schools motto is to DARE TO DREAM.

Watch in this show how the children in the 3rd grade are practicing with the book ALIN LEARNS TO USE HIS IMAGINATION by Ilona Selke, which was freshly produced in Hindi as a book and APP to learn how to activate their imaginatuion. (see contact info below)

And at the end of the show join Ilona Selke in a short meditation on the GANGES RIVER India.

The book is available at AMAZON and in APP STORES