What does an INDIAN GURU have to say about WOMEN and ENLIGHTENMENT?

In this half hour interview by Ilona Selke, Brahmarshi Patrjiji speaks about woman and their spiritual abilities, men and woman in the larger picture of spiritual evolution, the necessity of meditation and how to get started, and how to be a good human being.

Patriji, as most call him affectionately, was the originator of Pyramid Meditation Movement in India which had one pyramid that was solely dedicated to meditation in 1990 and now has over 10,000 active Pyramid Meditation Centers all over India 20 years later with millions of followers worldwide.

I write about Patriji in chapter in my new upcoming book DREAM BIG – The Universe Is Listening. It is about a magical incident in a pitch black pyramid, which show how truly integrated and luminous he actually is. www.ilonaselke.com

Also watch about the efforts of one single American woman Deva Dwabha, who built an Indian orphanage called RAMANA’S GARDEN, https://sayyesnow.org/ which is helping to rescue boys and girls to escape the life of outcasts. Outcasts not given any school education, no health care, destined to pick the trash heaps of India, called the Rag-pickers.

Also watch how the power of the imagination is helping those children achieve dreams of unimaginable proportions. One of their early students just now was admitted to the Airplane Pilot training in Canada. It was a dream he never let go off, even while he was waiting for endless years to hear of a possible admission, as the schools motto is to DARE TO DREAM.

Watch in this show how the children in the 3rd grade are practicing with the book ALIN LEARNS TO USE HIS IMAGINATION by Ilona Selke, which was freshly produced in Hindi as a book and APP to learn how to activate their imaginatuion. (see contact info below)

And at the end of the show join Ilona Selke in a short meditation on the GANGES RIVER India.

The book is available at AMAZON and in APP STORES


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