Worlds Most Amazing People RADIO SHOW with K.C. Armstrong

Listen to Ilona Selke in an interivew by K.C. Armstrong about how we can make a difference…how to dream big and how to change not only our lives but also the lives of others!

Listen to K.C. Armstong, who after having produced the HOWARD STERN SHOW (Ilona Selke was on the Howard Stern show in the late 1996 / 1997 with her then recently published book JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF CREATION, which was later republished under WIDSOM OF THE DOLPHINS!

K.C. Armstrong had a turn around in his life and dedicated his work to making a difference!

He wants to only share good news and how people can make it out of any bad situations.

Listen to Ilona Selke, who shares that you can take just the smallest of negative situatioin and turn it around, so you don’t have to deal with the big ones.


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