Jack Canfield interviewes Ilona Selke in HOLLYWOOD LIVE, in the Roosevelt Hotel. Additionally Ilona Selke describes her journey of writing her chapter as well as the incredible content that she shared in the book THE BIG SECRET which she co-authored with Jack Canfield and other thought field leaders.


Learn what it takes to make miracles happen!


Women and Archetypes, Interview by Ilona Selke with Gaelyn Larrick & Alejandra Quintero

Join me on an interview with Gaelyn Larrick & Alejandra Quintero who help women discover the archetypes through play shops and photography.

In our daily lives we often times simply function within the structures of our modern society. Women mostly take on the role as a mother and nuturer, and more recently as a provider and householder.
Especially in the last 50 years women have increasingly expressed more of their masculine side. Sometimes so much so that they wish to discover more of their feminine side and the many forms of embodying their femininity.

There are many rich facets lying dormant within our subconscious that beg us to become awakened. Becoming aware of the archetypes within ourselves can facilitate enlivening aspects of ourselves.

We are not just neat little packages of bones and skin that know how to produce, how to nurture and how to make a living to provide for survival. We really are on a journey of evolution and we take on many different roles within our journey.

The simplest of journeys is the one of growing from childhood to adulthood to old age. The stage of being a young female , who is coming of age, slowly moving to maturity where she gives birth, and then moves into the stage of the wise old female

Each stage has its riches. Each transition can be treacherous. Working with the archetypes for each of the stages can allow us to move more easily through the time of transition.

Equally we might carry other archetypes within ourselves that over arc into other aspects of being alive.

We could be finding traits within us that wish to act like a priestess, we might feel the power of the Wolf, the wisdom of the owl, or some women might experience being the seductress. All archetypes teach us aspects of ourselves, aspects that wish to be discovered.

Discovering our subconscious yearnings through the lenses of the archetypes allows us to become a richer being, and find permission to express ourselves through many different forms.

Join me on an interview with Gaelyn Larrick & Alejandra Quintero who help women discover the archetypes through play shops and photography.

Alejandra Quintero is an Actress, Author, Divine Beauty Revealer and together with Gaelyn Larrick she leads workshops to discover the rich facets of the archetype within.

Additional information can be found at their website: http://www.embodythegoddess.com/




A few years ago John Burgos interviewed me on his show BEYOND THE ORDINARY SHOW.

But it wasn’t just an interview. He engaged with me not just with his mind, but also with his multidimensional presence. Few people have the ability to not only talk outwardly, but also to commune internally at the same time.


…..the founder and host of the Beyond The Ordinary Show.
He has indeed committed his life to improving and enriching the lives of others.

His Beyond the Ordinary Show offers FREE LIVE interactive webinar broadcasts featuring the world’s leading transformative thought leaders, energy healers and spiritual masters.

I was honored to be part of his Show and was so enriched by it in return.

As he freely shared, he was moved by his profound, shamanic experiences that ignited in him a trust in his innate intuitive abilities.
I love that John has dedicated his life to bringing this truth of inherent intuition to the masses.

In the Beyond the Ordinary Show John Burgos speaks honestly about subjects, feelings and thoughts that are hard to find in mass media.

Understandably the Show quickly grew into an interactive community for those seeking ancient wisdom, the next generation of mystical teachings, spiritual awakening and soulful guidance.

Let me introduce him to you today on Qantum Living with Ilona Selke.

I would like to introduce you to John Burgos,

SUCCESS BLUEPRINT – I am a co-author in this book with Brian Tracy

SUCCESS is on most people mind. … do you agree?

I know this might seem astounding ….but read on:

We all have our innate dreams and hopes for HEALTH, a ROOF over our head, and a FAMILY, or at the very least a great PARTNER.

And even though SUCCESS may not be the first thought on their mind, most people do want what they want. HOWEVER they usually settle for MEDIOCRE levels of success and are happy to just get by. Most people have fairly small dreams of SUCCESS.

Most likely you the reader here and people like you who are interested in personal growth or evening working as a teacher in the personal growth movement have already figured out that their mindset, their focus, and third dreaming capacity hugely affects the levels of their success.

I remember a very dear woman friend of mine who passed away at age 41, contacted me within the first year after her death and told me the following:


In my meditation she urged me to understand the amazing miracle of envisioning only 100% for issue and successful outcome of my dreams.

To that end I’m introducing you to the book which I co-authored with Brian Tracy along with a few other co-authors, by the title of SUCCESS BLUEPRINT,

Over the last 7 months, I have been working on a book with some of the leading professionals from  all around the world—including the legendary Brian Tracy!

In the process of writing this book, we all agreed to reveal our top business secrets that consistently allow us to improve our health, wealth and SUCCESS—even in the New Economy.  It was tough to get some to agree, but the only way we were going to do this, was if everyone was held to the same code, share the best secrets you’ve got.

The great news is that we got everyone to agree, and the book that we all wrote together, The Success Blueprint is on  Amazon!


The Celebrity Experts® in this book allow you see their formulas for success, and through their experiences, offer many valuable lessons (including pitfalls to avoid) that are particularly meaningful. Just as action is an integral part of success, mentoring means a faster rate of achievement. However, despite our changing world, we know that the basic tenets of success remain the same, no matter how fast the pace. The Celebrity Experts® in The Success Blueprint are willing to mentor you. They have lived what it is all about. . .

I appreciate your support and I’ll get back with you in a couple of days to remind you about the launch and to tell you more about the bonuses I’m putting together!

Thanks for your support!  Enjoy the book!

with warm tropical greetings from Bali

Yours Ilona Selke

Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. ~ Confucius

Click Here to Buy it Now!!!


Travel with ILONA SELKE to BALI to gather wisdom form around the world.

In todays interview Ilona Selke will speak with the renowned water priestess Ida MAHA Resi Alit, who as a village girl in BALI at the age of 21 years old was ordained as – not just the only, but the youngest – female High Priestess of Hindu Dharma, the traditional religion on the deeply spiritual island of Bali, Indonesia.

The arduous procedure to become a High Hindu Priest or Priestess generally takes up to three years or more and requires extreme training under the guidance of a Master Teacher. Ida learned all requirements in under three months

HERE MESSAGE IS that no one has exclusive rights to The One and that all things come forth from The ONE which is the source of complete existence.

Its cosmic presence is manifested in many names and and takes on all forms, in order to make known Its divine essence.

Indeed, it is known theosophically that: All Parts are contained in the Whole and the Whole is contained in all Parts.
CONTACT Ida MAHA Resi Alit at idaresialit@gmail.com


Maybe you have heard about the daring souls, the explorers, who left the proverbial Plato’s Cave, as I wrote about in my book Living in a Holographic Universe.

We are co-creative dreamers of our life in the quantum and holographic universe.  And at a deeper level  life is about developing the depth of our soul. We become more effective creators, and evolve in our soul, while discovering the laws of the universe and the 101 of creation. With each dream you manifest, you become a greater, brighter being.

Your dreams are whispers from your future nudging you to evolve.



Join Ilona Selke on a journey of self-discovery. MEDITATION is usually thought to be a very silent inquiry process, however reaching that very quiet and pristine state requires a few stages of calming the mind and purifying the emotions, before you ascend into the pristine realms of beyond time and space.

Join Ilona Selke’s training called Living From Vision to set foot on the path of your spiritual.
More information about LIVING FROM VISION at: www.livingfromvision.com

Join Ilona Selke for a few monements on the Ganges River in India, by Rishikesh.