How to transform your negative patterns and limitations into powerful energies and allies
Here is my latest presentation on the GIVE BACK NOW SUMMIT for Ramana´s Garden on the power of consciousness, with a guided mediation of about 25 minutes on how to transform our negative emotions, limits, fears, or pains into powerful allies!
Herzlich willkommen zu der Interview- Reihe mit Kate Kamala und Ilona Selke zu dem Thema Liebe.
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In dem Interivew erwähnten wir den 100 € Gutschein für Deinen Leben aus der Vision Online–Kurs, als Sonderangebot nur für die Zuschauer dieses Interveiws (statt 295,- nur 195,- € und der Kurs gehört Dir ein Leben lang -:) Hier unter dem Link findest du den LAV Onlinekurs inklusive des 100 Euro Rabatts.
💎 Hier findest Du alle Bücher von Ilona Selke: (Schlüssel zum Universum, Alin und die Wunschfee, Weisheit der Delphine, Frei wie ein Delphin)
Join me in an interesting interview with Veena from the pyramid times in India about the book Wisdom of the Dolphins, which just recently was published in India in Hindi and will soon be published in Telugu.
In this interview, you can glean some unusual and out of the box perspectives on time-space and how our consciousness that acts with reality.
PLEASE SEND YOUR FEEDBACK for this Video: PyramidTimes
Ilona Selke explains about the nature of consciousness and how it transcends time and space in philosophical as well as practical psychotherapeutic ways, as consciousness interacts with what appears to us as a 3-D reality, affecting change not only in the psyche but in the time-space matrix itself.
Philosophical Counseling is a contemporary movement in practical philosophyy.
Developing since the 1980s as a profession practitioners of philosophical counseling ordinarily have a doctorate or minimally a master’s degree in philosophy and offer their philosophical counseling or consultation services to clients who look for a philosophical understanding of their lives, social problems, or even mental problems.
In the last case, philosophical counseling might be in lieu of, or in conjunction with, traditional psychotherapy.
The movement has often been said to be rooted in the Socratic tradition, which viewed philosophy as a search for the Good and the good life.
A life without philosophy was not worth living for Socrates.
Ilona Selke was asked to give a presentation on her work and path, which in part has been largely influenced by the work of Holodynamics, developed by Dr. Vern Wolf.
Creating miracles, teleportation & possibilities for the new evolving human with Ilona Selke !
Tune into this fascinating and exciting quantum conversation with Ilona Selke and hear about what is possible for the new evolving human !
We discuss finding access to unity consciousness, communicating with the holographic universe through our emotions and how to expand into the next level of reality. As Ilona so beautifully states on the topic of ‘internal’ teleportation, when we become the reality of our future choice fulfilled now, we co-create our future.
Jack Canfield interviewes Ilona Selke in HOLLYWOOD LIVE, in the Roosevelt Hotel. Additionally Ilona Selke describes her journey of writing her chapter as well as the incredible content that she shared in the book THE BIG SECRET which she co-authored with Jack Canfield and other thought field leaders.
Maybe you have heard about the daring souls, the explorers, who left the proverbial Plato’s Cave, as I wrote about in my book Living in a Holographic Universe.
We are co-creative dreamers of our life in the quantum and holographic universe. And at a deeper level life is about developing the depth of our soul. We become more effective creators, and evolve in our soul, while discovering the laws of the universe and the 101 of creation. With each dream you manifest, you become a greater, brighter being.
Your dreams are whispers from your future nudging you to evolve.