Join me on an interview with Gaelyn Larrick & Alejandra Quintero who help women discover the archetypes through play shops and photography.
In our daily lives we often times simply function within the structures of our modern society. Women mostly take on the role as a mother and nuturer, and more recently as a provider and householder.
Especially in the last 50 years women have increasingly expressed more of their masculine side. Sometimes so much so that they wish to discover more of their feminine side and the many forms of embodying their femininity.
There are many rich facets lying dormant within our subconscious that beg us to become awakened. Becoming aware of the archetypes within ourselves can facilitate enlivening aspects of ourselves.
We are not just neat little packages of bones and skin that know how to produce, how to nurture and how to make a living to provide for survival. We really are on a journey of evolution and we take on many different roles within our journey.
The simplest of journeys is the one of growing from childhood to adulthood to old age. The stage of being a young female , who is coming of age, slowly moving to maturity where she gives birth, and then moves into the stage of the wise old female
Each stage has its riches. Each transition can be treacherous. Working with the archetypes for each of the stages can allow us to move more easily through the time of transition.
Equally we might carry other archetypes within ourselves that over arc into other aspects of being alive.
We could be finding traits within us that wish to act like a priestess, we might feel the power of the Wolf, the wisdom of the owl, or some women might experience being the seductress. All archetypes teach us aspects of ourselves, aspects that wish to be discovered.
Discovering our subconscious yearnings through the lenses of the archetypes allows us to become a richer being, and find permission to express ourselves through many different forms.
Join me on an interview with Gaelyn Larrick & Alejandra Quintero who help women discover the archetypes through play shops and photography.
Alejandra Quintero is an Actress, Author, Divine Beauty Revealer and together with Gaelyn Larrick she leads workshops to discover the rich facets of the archetype within.
Additional information can be found at their website: