Training Your Intuition and Developing Your Time-Space Body Awareness

Listen to the interview with the Ilona Selke by Kim Root speaking about how to train your intuition.

Discover easy steps that you can do in your daily life to train your intuition.

For those further down the road, listen to Ilona Selke explain how to develop your awareness of time at different vibratory rates and how to shape-shift reality with the power of your focus and awareness.

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Ilona Selke is an internationally bestselling author, seminar leader, lecturer, musician and CEO/co-founder of Living from Vision, a company she has been running with her husband for over 30 years, since 1988, as well as the owner and creator of the Shambala Retreat Center on the north-shore of Bali.
She and her husband owned a dolphin research boat in Florida for over 10 years, and lived by a dolphin beach in Hawaii for 12 years. She wrote about her extraordinary dolphin research in two of her books.

Over 30+ years, Ilona has inspired thousands of people worldwide to discover the power of their consciousness, to understand and apply quantum understanding of our universe and what is more important she teaches step by step how to apply the quantum principles to create a successful life.

Her new book “Dream Big: The Universe Is Listening” offers real-life stories bordering on miracles, demonstrating how our consciousness is involved in shaping time and space.

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